US Diary (26-Oct-2023)

At Bridge water, New Jersey Venkateswara temple, there is a shrine for Sathya Narayana swamy. During my previous visits to the US, I had attended Sathyanarayana pooja at a temple and at another friend's place. Although I watched and worshipped, I did not know the significance of this pooja. This time, when I worshipped this deity in Sri Venkateswara temple, I became curious once again and wanted to know more about this deity and the pooja.  

Sathya Narayana swamy is a benevolent form of Maha Vishnu. The name represents pure Truth (Lord of Truth). According to the legends, several kings and merchants used to perform this pooja in the past to overcome adversities and to earn the grace of Sathya Narayana swamy.

As per the legend, once the great saint Narada, on his usual travel, for the benefit and upliftment of various worlds, arrived on earth. He saw people going through the cycle of birth and suffering as a result of their past deeds. For the salvation of humanity, he went to Vishnu at Vikunda and requested His help. The saint saw Maha Vishnu's in his true form, holding the conch, disc, mace and lotus in His four hands. He was wearing a vanamala and thulasi mala. Narada said, "Oh Bhagavan, you are the foremost in the Universe and saviour of devotees. You alone can find a solution for the salvation of mankind on earth from their sufferings and rebirth. Vishnu said that they should perform the most powerful "pooja" (a form of worship) to Sathya Narayana swamy, which the devas used to conduct in heaven. The people should observe one day's "vratha" (pious observance) on the day of pooja. Vratha as well as pooja should be conducted according to religious rites. Then they will enjoy all the happiness in this world and will attain salvation finally. This pooja removes sorrows, grands progeny and wealth, increase prosperity and gain victory in all conditions and situations. Blessing Narada, Vishnu disappeared. 

It is mentioned that this same question about how to attain salvation was asked to Sootha Pouranika (the narrator of Puranas), by various sages who had assembled in the forest "Nymisharanya". It is said that Sootha narrated other stories about Sathya Narayana pooja in support of the story of Narada in five chapters. When I read that, the "Bhagavatha sapthaham" (a seven-day discourse on Srimad Bhagavatham) which is conducted often in many parts of India came to my mind where Soothan (Sootha Pournanika) was requested similarly by the Sounakadhi Maharishis (master saints) to interpret and explain in detail Srimad Bhagavatham during sapthaham, which he happily did. 

In olden days, Sathyanarayana pooja was performed by kings, merchants and brahmins to be blessed with wealth, progeny and fulfilment of desires besides salvation from sufferings and curses. During Kaliyuga (4th yuga/current age of mankind/iron age in English) any devotee can conduct this pooja irrespective of gender, age or caste.

Usually, Sathyanarayana pooja is performed according to the native calendar (India) which falls between the English months of January-February, April-May and October-November. Any auspicious day is suitable for performing this pooja. One can do this pooja either every month or once a year. Normally, it is conducted on full moon days, Ekadashi (means 'the eleventh' day of fortnight belonging to lunar month, occurs twice in a month, bright and dark fortnight. This pooja can be conducted only during the bright Ekadashi) and Sankranthi (refers to the movement of the sun) based on Hindu calendar. The performer should observe vratha on that day. He/She should take bath early in the morning and evening and the performer should pledge to do the rituals with devotion and concentration.

 The place of worship should be clean and decorated with "rangoli/kolam" (a traditional art drawing with rice powder). Over the rangoli, a new cloth is spread, and the idol of Lord is placed on it. On another cloth, with rice spread on it, the Kalasa filled with water is placed on top of it to invoke Varuna deva (the Lord of Water) and a lighted lamp is placed in front of it.  Lord Sathyanarayana is invited and invoked with the chanting of mantras. This pooja is generally conducted at night, but occasionally it is conducted during daytime also and can be conducted either in temples, halls or in houses. The pooja usually lasts for two or three hours.

As with other poojas, all rituals start with invocation of Ganapathy followed by Trimurthy (Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara; the Gods of creation, maintenance and destruction), Goddess Parvathy (Siva's wife), Navagraha (nine heavenly bodies/deities) and Ashtadikpalakas (Gods or rulers of eight directions) along with their presiding deities. Then abhishekam (consecration) with milk, curd, ghee, sugar and honey is done on the idol. After abhishekam with water, alangaram with flowers, turmeric powder, kunkum and sandal paste are done. Nivedyam (Food offered to Lord) of panjamrutham, a mixture made of bananas, ghee, milk, wheat flour or rice flour, sugar and jaggery is offered to the Lord. Reading the story (all five chapters) after pooja is a must and is an important part of the ritual of Sathyanarayana pooja. After that aarathi with a lighted diya is done. On completion of aarathi, gifts and coins are offered to poojarees. After distribution of prasadam, the nivedyam offered to the deity is distributed to all devotees present, followed by a feast. All devotees will remain to hear the stories, and to eat prasadam. It is believed that if someone had to leave before hearing the stories or without eating prasadam, it would bring bad luck to them. Stories are to make us believe in the Almighty, and for us to accept that honesty and discipline are the most important values that we should follow throughout our life. I haven't heard about this incarnation of Vishnu or about this pooja before my first visit to the US about twenty-four years ago. But it is said that this pooja is very popular in the states of old undivided Andra Pradesh, and Karnataka of India. It is believed that Sathya Narayana pooja is the easiest way in Kaliyuga to fulfill one's desires and bring contentment. The lesson we should learn is that we are bound to preserve Sathyam alias Truth as the most valuable virtue in life. We should be honest and trustworthy throughout our life. Always remember the famous national motto of India, "Sathyam eva jayathe" (in sanskrit which means "Truth alone will prevail") which is adopted from the great "Mundakopanishad".


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