US Diary (18-Oct-2023)


A few days back, while Sree and Preetha had gone for their usual evening walk, sitting on the bench in the park, I saw children of about high school age playing an unfamiliar sport in the nearby field. The players were wearing helmets with face shields to protect their heads and faces and they had gloves on their hands. Each was holding a stick (a rod about 4 feet long with a pocket net at its head). The children were also wearing other protective gears for the chest, arms and shoulders.  I am familiar with the game of cricket where the players wearing helmet with face shield, kneepads, wrist pads etc. But these children were not playing cricket. So, I was curious to know more about this game. When Sree and Preetha got back, I asked them about it. Preetha said that it is a special game which is popular in America now a days, known as Lacrosse. They did not know more about the game. I wanted to know more about it.

When we reached home, I decided to collect more details about this game and the following are details which I could gather from the world wide web.

Lacrosse, the oldest team sports originated in Canada, during the 17th century. This game has its origin as a tribal game which was played by Eastern Woodlands native Americans and by some Plains American Indian tribes. Lacrosse was founded by the indigenous tribe Haudenosaunee (Hoad-nah-shaw-nea) of North America as early as in 1100 AD. This game was extensively modified by European settlers, to create its current collegiate and professional form and combines elements of hockey, soccer, football and basketball.

This game, which dates back to 1100 AD was a social event to settle disputes. There was a probability for grave injuries and even for death to happen. In those days, disputes were settled either by one team's victory over the other or by one of the player's death. This game was known as "stick ball" in olden days. Some people considered it as the "Creator's game" and was played for the pleasure of the Creator. It reminded me of "Mamankam" an ancient festival of Kerala, celebrated once in 12 years, in olden days, during Zamorins rule, in which warriors demonstrated their skills using weapons and settled disputes.

In Lacrosse, two teams, each consisting of 10 players participate. They fight for the ball, using their long sticks with racket-like crosses at one end to carry, catch, throw the ball down the field or into the opponent's goal. Goalies alone are allowed to use a stick with a maximum width of twelve inches.  The game got its name, Lacrosse as the stick resembles Bishop's cross. 

In the olden days, the ball was made out of clay, wood, and deerskin. Even the heads of enemies were used as ball. The game was known by different names in native languages, which when translated would read "Little war" "Little brother of war", "knocking about balls" "bump hips" etc. The game pitch could be over a few miles and the game could last for days together. 

The modern-day Lacrosse is a fast-growing sport, popular in New York and bordering states of Canada and the game is quite different from its origin. Lacrosse initially gained popularity in solely wealthy white private schools. In recent years, other institutions also took up this sport and removed the cultural aspects of game play creating uniformity and rules that made the sports more appealing.  The new easy rules and fast paced gameplay also expedited its growth. Lacrosse seems to be popular among the boys and girls here and it may show up in India soon.

On another day, we went to "Natirar park" which has the North Branch of the Raritan River flowing through. The owners of this park came up with the name "Natirar" which is "Raritan" spelled backwards. It was a large sprawling park, and the other end of the park could not be seen from where I was sitting. 

The original owners of this land (now the park) were Catherine (Kate) Everit Macy and her husband Walter Graeme Ladd. They were a wealthy business couple with no children. Their land those days extended about 1000 acres. After her husband's death, Kate, who was suffering from illnesses offered her service and support to medical research, health care, convalescence and education. She established the endowment of the Josiah Macy Jr Foundation to promote education of health professionals. She also founded the "Maple cottage" an all-expense paid convalescent home for working women. The estate has a beautiful large mansion and a farmhouse which attracts visitors even now. We couldn't enter the mansion premises as it was held private. However, the mansion which sits on top of a hill could be seen from a distance from the walk trail. After the death of Kate Ladd in 1945, the property was bought by the King of Morocco (King Hassan) and the funds of the foundation was distributed to five universities. By then, the area has decreased to about 500 acres. Following the death of King Hassan, the administrator of his estate sold "Natirar" to Somerset County of New Jersey. 

The park is clean and beautiful and open to the public.  Considering how densely populated, the state of New Jersey is, this park in Somerset County is a remarkable attraction for all nature lovers. We took some snaps before we left for home.


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